Book of mormon lands great lakes

This book locates everything from the narrow neck, to zarahemla, from cumorah, to the land of promise, bountiful. Proposed book of mormon geographical setting wikipedia. Great lakes data supports the book of mormon text on geographical, cultural. The first latterday saint to publish a great lakes model appears to be delbert curtis, who in 1988 published the booklet the land of the. The book of mormon geography lands and map with dna evidence. As conference speakers mentioned, there are mormons who think that the book of mormon lands were in mesoamerica, the great lakes region, baja california, or peru. Concrete book of mormon evidence when people approach me with questions about the great lakes model of book of mormon geography, this is my standard response.

For example, according to the book of mormon, bountiful is north of zarahemla, while the great lakes proponents would put it. A promised land, the land of promise uses the book to show the book of mormon geography evidence, land, map, dna, definitive, and true facts along with prophetic statements. Quarterly articles and internet articles on book of mormon history, language, culture, and geography allen, joseph l. Because the great lakes and mesoamerican models are by far the two most popular, i plan to spend the next several issues discussing them. The church and byu stay neutral in questions of exactly where the book of mormon took place. The river sidon is the only river mentioned by name, and is the most prominent river in the book of mormon.

See my answers to questions about the book of mormon here. I found her work to be very interesting and well reasoned. This video shows that the hopewell indians, during book of mormon times, did not have the population that the book of mormon requires to be. These include the battle between captain moroni and the lamanite leader zarahemna that took place between 7456 bce. Is the lamanite city of jerusalem sunk in lake atitlan. Here is more evidence showing that the lamanites of the book of mormon are in north america not mezoamerica as published in our book several years ago. Chief among these is the fact that we know we certainty where the story beginsin old world jerusalem. Book of mormon scriptures, themselves, indicate and identify western new york and surrounding areas as the place many book of mormon events occurred. Searching for book of mormon lands in middle america clark. The following verse is what was prophesied, followed by the verse of what occurred. For the greater land northward, lake huron serves as the sea west with its northernmost extremity georgian bay. In the great lakes or prairie regions winter storms are and were so common that. Maps true book of mormon geography lands, western new york. Of particular interest are those articles published while the prophet held the title of official editor march 15, to november 15, 1842.

Land changed true book of mormon geography lands western. And it was in the morningverifying the longitude of zarahemla new behold i am jesus christ the setting and location of the saviors visit to the people of nephi in the land of bountiful new. A limited geography model for the book of mormon is one of several theories by latter day saint movement scholars that the book s narrative was a historical record of people in a limited geographical region, rather than of the entire western hemisphere as believed by some early latter day saints. The presence of so many necks of land even divided ones throughout the great lakes region, should hint to the thoughtful student of the book of mormon, that the principle lands of the book of mormon, near cumorah, including the narrow neck of land, and the narrow pass, are more localized, they are coastal like the land of israel the. Great lakes region land of the book of mormon kindle edition by hansen, vaughn. Another testament of jesus christ for our day discover the book of mormon like youve never seen it before. Purpose of the book of mormon tour helps these single page descriptions of a specific book of mormon site are designed to provide pertinent information to the traveler about the site. Some lds researchers have proposed a limited great lakes setting for the book of mormon aston 1998. The book of mormon emphasizes the fact that the land of many waters was an exceeding great distance from the land of zarahemla and that there were more streams, rivers, lakes, and fountains in that area than were to be found in any lands where these early people had dwelt.

Since the mayans and others of the western united states, mexico, central and south america have been found to have asian blood, this makes it unlikely that these lamanites are the original lamanites of the book of mormon. The 10th annual book of mormon lands symposium was held in salt lake city to discuss the research and discoveries most recently made supporting the mesoamerican setting of the events of the book. This book is in contradiction to all other published books on. Phyllis carol olive, the lost lands of the book of mormon bonneville books, 2003. Beginning in the early 1990s, several latterday saints jumped on the great lakes book of mormon geography bandwagon. See more ideas about book of mormon, america and ancient civilizations. According to many great lakes theorists, the finger lakes in upper new york state are the sea east in the land of promise of the book of mormon. There is physical evidence that winters were milder near the great lakes during book of mormon times. Sep 08, 2009 mormon lands and accurately identifying the descendants of book of mormon peoples would need to undergo a radical paradigm shiftone that many would consider quite farfetched. Unconventional book of mormon geography theories mormon matters. Nov 17, 2014 the book of mormon map described in alma chapter 22 has finally been deciphered. Lds book of mormon geography a promised land, the land lds.

Indians of the great lakes region and the book of mormon. Oct 30, 2019 unlike previous researchers, we have directly challenged the notions of the mesoamerican researchers. The sea south is the southern portion of lake erie. The great strength of the book is that it provides a wellargued perspective based on the geology of natural disasters that is new to the analysis of the book of mormonone that adds to the reality of book of mormon events and opens new doors for potential research and understanding of the geography of the book of mormon. Joseph smith is reported to have said that lehi landed 30 degrees south of the equator, in what would be modern day chile. Lds book of mormon geography evidence land map dna definitive true. Furthermore, the book of mormon emphasizes the fact that the land of many waters was an exceeding great distance from the land of zarahemla. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading cumorah. How does your concept of book of mormon lands differ from maps drawn by others.

Intense book of mormon study of each verse that offers descriptions of the land, combined with years of prayer, have led us to these conclusions, and we believe them to be true. Furthermore, if the book of mormon core homelands were subject to winter and snow, thered be references to it in the bom. The heartland is the place where it all happened, right under our very noses. Mar 29, 2016 furthermore, the book of mormon emphasizes the fact that the land of many waters was an exceeding great distance from the land of zarahemla. Others look to peru and south america, or to the baja peninsula, or texas, and some even propose the malaysian peninsula. Even if one doesnt agree that the book of mormon lands are in new york its still fascinating to hear another point of view. His latest newsletter dated oct, 2009, says, 10 reasons why the book of mormon took place in peru. Book of mormongeographynew worldgreat lakes geography.

Virtual book of mormon book of mormon maps and learning tools. The church has been neutral when it comes to issues relating to book of mormon geography, as is fairmormon. The land of many waters could be the finger lakes area of. Some place the geography of the book in upstate new york or near the great lakes. In fact, they use two concepts for the sea east, one is lake ontario, the smallest of the five great lakes, and the finger lakes, which are to the south in what is now new york state. Out of the top matches, we discovered a book called the late war between the united states and great britain, a scriptural style account of the war of 1812 published in new york in 1816. Indians of the great lakes region and the book of mormon youtube. The cumorah of the book of mormon is the same hill in new york from which joseph retrieved the plates. This book is a great read and serves as a great companion to studying the book of mormon. The book of mormon itself is the best source for understanding the geographical locations contained therein. Though the book of mormon mentions snow and hail, this does not mean that the climate of northern america was the same in book of mormon times as it is today.

Even if one doesnt agree that the book of mormon lands are in new york its still fascinating to. Arianne brown is a mother of six young children and is an altra, probar, nuun and unshoes sponsored athlete. There are times when there is not the opportunity to get a clear understanding of what the traveler saw and these bulletins will help with that understanding. For example, according to the book of mormon, bountiful is north of zarahemla, while the great lakes proponents would put it southeast of zarahemla. A whole bunch of reasons why book of mormon geography. There are a number of mismatches between a great lakes model and the geographical relationships of book of mormon lands and other lands or bodies of water. Vernal holleys book of mormon authorship annotated 3. This emphasis shows the significance of the land to the book of mormon people, and the people who would be brought by the hand of god to this land and now occupy this land. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. The book of mormon talks about whirlwinds tornadoes which there is no such thing in central america, but there are. The author has gone to great lengths to research her theory that the book of mormon lands are in upstate new york. Joseph lovell allen true book of mormon geography lands. Joseph smith and lds scripture establish the location of the promised land of. The lord could have removed all questions regarding the exact locations of these events but he did not.

Great lakes region land of the book of mormon vaughn e. Book of mormon geography, lands, map, dna true evidence. It was fascinating to hear speakers virtually tiptoeing around the question. Lds book of mormon geography a promised land, the land. What changes occurred in book of mormon lands at the time of the crucifixion. The great strength of the book is that it provides a wellargued perspective based on the geology of natural disasters that is new to the analysis of the book of mormon one that adds to the reality of book of mormon events and opens new doors for potential research and understanding of the geography of the book of mormon. The area of the bom is in north america, near the great lakes area. My new book, nephi in the promised land is now available in the nephi project discovery store. Since the golden plates were found in ny, the bom lands must be nearby. T he times and seasons featured many articles relating to the topic of book of mormon lands. Land of moron, city of bountiful, city of zarahemla, land of ishmael, city of ammonihah, land of nephi, city of and land of moroni, sea east, sea north, land of bountiful. After several months of intense careful study of the text i have put together the following proposed map, showing the relative positions of book of mormon lands, cities, rivers, etc.

I was randomly thinking about it and something clicked. If book of mormon lands were almost but not entirely surrounded by inland seas alma 22. The 10th annual book of mormon lands symposium was held in salt lake city to discuss the research and discoveries most recently made. Its time we stepped back from what is assumed to be the the lands of the book of mormon and reassess the ethnic and archeological evidences around the great lakes. Following years of study, we discovered that book of mormon writers described jaredite and nephite lands in similar ways, and those common descriptions link both civilizations to the northern part of western new york and a section of ontario, canada. A radically different book of mormon geography theory.

Helaman chapter 3 requires a vast area north of the narrow neck where cement was the primary construction material because timber. Jan 18, 2011 this video shows that the hopewell indians, during book of mormon times, did not have the population that the book of mormon requires to be nephites. We have taken their dogmatism headon, that it is impossible that book of mormon lands could be in the great lakes region. This book of mormon geography and lands is very different from all other published books on the subject of book of mormon geography. Book of mormon lands were thought to occupy all of south americathe land southward. In opposition to placing the setting for the book of mormon in lands near the great lakes lands now occupied by the united states of america, 1 nephi. Previous researchers have not dared take on the mesoamericanists. This video shows that the hopewell indians, during book of mormon times, did not have the population that the book of mormon requires to be nephites. There are several theories held among latterday saints for the location of book of mormon lands. But the lands those in the book of mormon times lived in were smaller. As each new theory surfaces, we gain fresh hope of acquiring additional insights into it ancient location, but are all too often disappointed. Using the ancient descriptions given us by nephi, jacob, mormon and moroni, this channel answers the questions for those who are truly interested in the geog. Zions camp came upon a skeleton on their way to missouri which joseph smith stated it was a nephite named zelph.

A discussion of the arabian, or old world, geography of the book of mormon enjoys many advantages over discussion of new world matters. The thirty mile wide narrow neck of land between lake ontario and lake erie would take about a day and a half to cross on foot. The geographical setting of the book of mormon has been the subject of serious study and casual speculation since before the book was first published. The lost lands of the book of mormon phyllis carol olive on. Virtual book of mormon book of mormon maps and learning. The population of book of mormon lands over much of the period of its history. This book is in contradiction to all other published books on the subject of geography. Book of mormon geography, the near cumorah setting there have been numerous attempts to locate the long, lost lands of the book of mormon over the years. The lost empires and vanished races of the book of mormon in.

George is a proponent that the book of mormon lands are in peru. There were several battles fought in and around this river. Christ himself said, great are the words of isaiah and he commanded the nephites and all who read the book of mormon to search his words. A radically different book of mormon geography theory posted by mormon heretic on april 9, 2009 in 10 tribes, archeology. The lost empires and vanished races of the book of mormon. Dec 06, 2010 beginning in the early 1990s, several latterday saints jumped on the great lakes book of mormon geography bandwagon. Internal book of mormon geography focuses on the relationships between lands and other geographic features, independent of where they might be physically located on todays maps. Unfortunately, the geographical details of the book of mormon do not fit terribly well in models presented thus far.

Something else that is or should be shown to have occurred is a massive change in the land. A promised land, the land of promise uses the book to show the book of mormon geography evidence, land, map, dna, definitive, and true along with prophetic statements. Antionum land of bountiful city of bountiful land of east wilderness hill riplah jershon land of melek land of narrow neck of land sidon river seas east and west zarahemla city of zarahemla land of. The articles linked below will describe the various. Great signs and wonderswhat caused the destruction and darkness in book of mormon lands. If the book of mormon setting is placed in the great lakes area, canada becomes the land to the north and the united states the land to the south. Does the book of mormon fit best in a geography located around the great lakes, between the united states and canada. The land of zarahemla is at a lower elevation relative to the land of nephi. An additional argument for a great lakes setting is made. I am fully aware that no church leader, joseph smith included, has pointed toward a southeast asian setting, but neither have they made statements which rule it out.